Open House and Open-ness
After nearly a decade of energy work, I finally had my open house! Would you believe it's easier to talk about being open than actually do it? I found myself worrying about details and losing sight of the big picture (because that is how I manage uncomfortable feelings). I was able to recognize I was afraid of being judged and feeling insecure. Insecure about being seen. Insecure about being different. Insecure about not meeting expectations or being good enough.
Still I was able to move forward with my discomfort and guess what? It was a huge success. I had nearly 40 people in my yard and more than half had NADA demos! People were happy, impressed with the acupuncture and truly had a good time. This is what happens when I leave my comfort zone and stay open to good things! I kept focusing on what I truly valued and moving towards it.
I value time with people I care about, talking about how energy work moves people forward in life and how integration therapies solve the conflicts and traumas we carry. And food! If you know me at all, you know there was a full table of freshly baked goodies.
My hope for you is that you choose to be courageous and move towards the things that bring you joy. May you recognize your insecurities and not be ruled by them. May your focus on the things you value in life and let that pull you through the fears. Go for it! You truly deserve it.