Why the blue whale?
Whalecome! I am so glad you are here! Here's a bit of background to introduce you to my practice, Blue Whale Medicine.
7 years ago this month I made the decision to begin offering energy work to others. It's a bit like coming out of the closet when you are trained in the Western Medical model to admit that you use intuition and sense things. I came across this picture while looking at handmade jewelry and you might agree that it seems to be a thumbs-up from the universe.
I certainly needed some encouragement and some reassurance that I was on the right track. It's not easy to risk being notorious or destroying your reputation but it's not any easier to hide your genuine self. If you are not feeling well in any way one of the first questions to ask yourself is if you are letting go letting yourself go where you really want to and if not, is it worth the price of not going?
I've always been drawn to whales and their majestic presence. In my psychiatric training I was especially interested in psychodynamics and the idea that we are not always completely aware of the ways we defend against internal anxiety.
Whales are a great metaphor for getting to know ourselves because they dive deep into darkness and under great pressure.
Our minds can feel a bit like the deep dark ocean considering all that we have buried there and hidden from ourselves.
In the Native American tradition whales are considered to be the record-keepers since they are as old as time. They possess the knowledge of the past and carry the ancient wisdom. It is said they also access the future with their sounds and sonar which tell them what is to come. Whales travel the world using only their innate sense of direction. They don't hurry; they sing their songs. They come up to the surface to breathe and play and they take their social connections very seriously. We could learn a lot from them.
Whales model how to tend to the ancient knowledge, navigate all waters in every type of ocean and sense the vibrations from the world around us.
Whales need to come to the surface in breathe, therefore they can never be completely unconscious. What a metaphor for staying present! How long can any of us afford to be unconscious? How long should any of us go without fully experiencing the life sustaining breath?
Can you imagine a world where each of us stayed conscious of our breathing?
Whale has much Medicine to teach us if we are willing to listen. Whale understands how to access the darkest depths, stay connected, keep breathing, navigate intuitively, share our unique song and read the vibrations around us.