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Reconnect Yourself

Release Trauma and Redefine Your Life

Who I See

I focus on restoring balance and wellness after all types of trauma (physical, mental-emotional). Unhealed trauma can lead to symptoms in the body or the mind.

Most people come to see me with nagging symptoms that have not responded to standard medical care.

The trauma response can override our thinking and limit our conscious choices. If you are stuck and you just can't stop responding a certain way or implement the changes you want, it's likely a trauma response.

Unexplained aches and pains and mysterious symptoms are often the result of a trauma pattern that has affected the physical body.

Inside you is the blueprint for complete healing. I will help you reconnect.

My Training And Background

Trained as an MD and 20+ years as a psychiatrist taught me much about the Western medical model, but I wanted more for people who were "stuck" or reliving the same issue or chronic problem.  I also was not willing to believe that recounting and reliving a trauma was the only way to heal it, when it comes to memories, some things are unspeakable. 

It became clear to me that there is a big difference between treating disease and restoring balance. 

I began offering energy work because I benefited personally and professionally from alternative methods to clear trauma.

Having been board certified in Adult Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine, this was a logical next step for me.   (Psychosomatic Medicine is the study of the connection between the body and the mind.)

The mind affects the body and the body affects the mind!  Releasing trauma restores flow and balance and allows us to live a life of wellness.

What's on my bookshelf

My bookshelf includes many books on herbalism, baking, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, EMDR and somatic therapies for trauma, hypnosis, mysticism, psychonauts, psychoanalysis, Native American Medicine and anything by Eckhart Tolle.

My Approach

Energy work and self-care reconnect us to our innate wisdom and natural healing state.

Our physical symptoms and psychodramas are rooted in traumatic events that can be uncovered and healed.

My beliefs & my wish for you

My wish for you and me is to release old patterns and live in the present, to heal the imprints of physical injuries so we can move freely and balance ourselves into a state of stillness and peace.

I want the best for you and it’s my hope that the relief you experience in session will inspire you to cultivate a lifestyle of self-care.

You truly deserve it.

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