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Welcome to My Journal

quotes, metaphors, and everyday observations related to my self-care journey

I should have told you I loved you II (READ PART I FIRST)

(Dear Reader- I don't usually publish letters, but if you read part I, I feel that you too are looking for some answers.  You've come this far with me, so I will keep sharing.)

 Dear Amie,

Of course I know that you love me! I did not quit, exactly, I was just tired. Do you remember all that we did that day? Too much. Just... too much. I can't always bring that much intensity to such a long list of projects. In that way we are not the same.

I do like (and admire) your standards and specifications. Just sometimes I can't keep up.

Why personalize it? After all these years! Why so ready to assume it's over? Think about the way I treat you and all the times we laugh and play together. Are you the one giving up? Aren't I the one to make you smile? Why so hopeless and dramatic? Just trust that we are stable and solid as always.

Think it through- I am right here, right now, and you don't need to make up any story about how I don't want to be here with you.

Imagine a big hug from me. Let that sink in. Stay with that. It's been a minute and I bet you want to talk recipes, baking, cooking and all things steamy and spicy.

I am here baby! Count me in!


       The One