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Welcome to My Journal

quotes, metaphors, and everyday observations related to my self-care journey

Fire In January

Any other fiery personalities out there?  Woot. Woot.  Have you had any challenges with it?  Are you challenged by this in others?  Let me say first, my fire has served me well in so many areas... that is, until it doesn't...  And let me apologize right now if I have ever singed you. I am truly sorry.   

If it has benefited you, then all the better, but this little ditty is about my commitment to see the negative aspects more clearly.

So here we go. 

I am making a commitment to see when my leadership becomes bulldozing, my drive becomes imposing and my will wants to over-power others.  Many of you may be shocked by this aspect if you have only experienced the warmth and caretaking aspect of my personality and not the over-heated, ready to scorch and obliterate aspect.  I am just being honest here.

How can I be in balance if I don't acknowledge this?  I am also making a commitment to notice when the inflated aspects of my ego tell me that it should be "my way" because I have had success moving things forward and getting things done.  Oh! And to notice when to apply something other than Fire.  And one more! To watch myself during projects, chores, to-do lists or any form of work because that is almost always where I get activated/over-activated.

Whew! I feel so much better.  May you also apply the right amount of fire (or whatever your inclination is). May you be able to see the positive aspects of your traits and use them wisely.  And may you see clearly when the negative aspects of ego are justifying or defending any out of balance application of said trait.

May we all feel warmth, passion and heat safely and comfortably.  Happy January everyone!