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Welcome to My Journal

quotes, metaphors, and everyday observations related to my self-care journey

Driveway Wisdom

So often I hear in casual conversation a piece of wisdom that I have been looking for. A few days ago I was taking out my recycling and saw my neighbors.  We began the standard and customary driveway banter about the weather.  We also talked about decorating for the holidays and how our color palettes have changed. 

I mentioned when I am done with a color that I am completely done with it.  I scour the house and remove it, as if seeing it has become offensive.  My neighbor joked "just like her people."

This my friends, has not been my pattern.  At all.  I have had a habit of clinging to friendships and romances far past their expiration date, some part of me insisting "it should have worked out."  The larger part of me knowing everything has a season.  And life is about change. And nothing lasts forever.  No point in looking back.  I've heard it so many times.  But do I welcome the new chapter the same way I would welcome a new color scheme into my home?  Um, well, historically... no. 

But I believe I can change and allow stale outdated connections to go the way of builder beige.  I can excitedly peruse the next new season of colors. It's all about the story I tell myself.

May you also embrace change and challenge and loss.  May you welcome any new space created in your life.  And may you know that you look great in that color!