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quotes, metaphors, and everyday observations related to my self-care journey

Two-day is the greatest day I've ever known.

Today is 2-22-2022. It's also the second day of the Chinese New Year. Twos are everywhere! Twos represent pairings, relationships, harmony and stability. How is your love life going? Your friendships? Your relationship with yourself?

Today I plan to revisit Rumi's quote about not seeking love but rather removing all the barriers within yourself to love. Makes a lot of sense to me -everything I've ever chased has run the other way. (And quickly). How do we attract love? Or rather, assuming that attracting love is our Natural State, then how do we stop getting in the way of that?

I'm not going to pretend to have the complete and total answer to that but I've been working on some things. I am validating myself when it's warranted, having compassion for myself when I am not where I'd like to be, and being kind to myself when I have feelings. Especially when I'm having feelings that are both uncomfortable and embarrassing. That's a real doozy because I'd rather skip to fixing it or solving the situation in a way to not have to face said feelings.

Fear. Shame. Guilt. We go so far back! I will sit with them and get (re)acquainted and maybe again after that. (Actually getting acquainted is just a fluffy euphemism)... when I truly feel my feelings it's a full-body-achy-heavy-intense experience, and yet somehow the feelings always move through. Today we shall go beyond being age-old acquaintances! Today is the greatest day I've ever known! And so it is! And so it may be for you too!